

Sarah is a professional risk manager turned speaker, writer, coach and avid adventurer.

She is passionate about encouraging and supporting people to live BOLDLY.

Being BOLD is about calculated risk-taking, innovation, creativity and thinking bigger. It’s challenging the status quo, embracing change and pursuing opportunities. It’s overcoming fears, hesitations and self-doubt.

When we embrace being BOLD and take action, we don’t just grab opportunities, we create them. We build our courage and confidence and embrace uncertainty. We become more adaptable. Our lives get bigger. We maximise potential and explore possibilities. We inspire those around us.

Let’s embrace risk and live boldly.

Sarah works with individuals, teams, teenagers and leaders to embrace being BOLD.

She equips them with the practical strategies to become RISK INTELLIGENT. She works with people to turn big ideas, into bold actions and successful outcomes.

She gives people the tools and approaches to unpack what might hold them back and turn fears into courage, hesitation into perseverance, and obstacles to adaptability.