I'm super excited to announce this new program

Are You Ready to GULP!?

A GULP moment is the instant you push past fear and step into the discomfort of the unknown toward growth and exciting new possibilities It's the point where you take a deep breath, embrace the risk, and say yes to a bold new challenge.

This is a six-week program, a mix of 1:1 and group sessions to support and encourage you to embrace your own GULPS. It's taking what I've learned from decades in risk and project management along with everything from my expeditions, adventures and challenges and puts it into this program to have you hitting new goals and doing things you perhaps thought might not be possible. 

WHo this is for

This program is for those ready to break out of their comfort zone and embrace bold, new goals. You might be feeling stuck, that life is a bit repetitive and you want to bring excitement and fresh energy to your life. You want goals to work toward that challenge you and bring change.

You might need inspiration, a nudge, and some solid support—and that’s exactly what this six-week, action-focused program delivers.

This is about experimenting, pushing boundaries and opening doors to see where they lead. Whether you have an idea of what you want to do or just the willingness to experience some Gulp! moments, this program is your launchpad.


It’s a supportive space designed for you to try new things, spark change, and break free from your comfort zone. You’ll learn:

  • How to set yourself up for success

  • How to face and conquer fears and self-doubt

  • Approaches to navigate obstacles, and

  • How to keep your motivation high and maintain momentum.

If you’re ready to add more excitement to your life and crave change, but aren’t sure of the first step—this program is for you.

Here’s a link to the brochure with the details. It is only open to 12 people.

Your Gulps!

This is a choose-your-own-adventure. If you’re not sure what you want to do there is pre-program work that will tease these out.

The big one: you decide on a goal, one that excites and scares you. It will likely take longer than the six weeks this course runs over. You use the tools and implement what you learn in the sessions to work toward this goal. In the final 1-on-1 after the six weeks, we discuss how you will keep moving forward and succeed.

The smaller ones: you pick 3-6 smaller gulps, like the 52 Gulps! I’m doing. These are about getting familiar with being out of your comfort zone, putting in some reps and building confidence. It will create energy that will support your bigger goal.

The sessions

  • Week 1: 1-on-1 that you book in to talk through the Gulps you are planning

  • Weeks 2-6: the group sessions are on Monday nights 7-8pm Sydney time. They are recorded for those who cannot make the sessions.

  • Weeks 3 & 5: Ask Me Anything sessions. These are optional (not recorded) and are an opportunity to come and ask questions related to the program and your Gulps. These are pencilled in for Fridays at 8am, but may change depending on participant availability.


The investment for this program is $495 or 3 x $165.

It is also available 1-on-1 for $1,497 or 3 x $499. (Note: the Ask Me Anything sessions will be group sessions).


If you’d like to sign up, please fill out the Google form here: SIGN UP FORM

You will then be sent an invoice to make payment (needed to secure your spot). Once you have secured your spot, you will be sent an email with what to expect, an invite to the group sessions and a link to set up a time for your initial 1-on-1.


If you're interested but want to ask some questions and check if it's right for you, then please click the button below and it will take you to my Calendly to book a time for a discovery call. 

This program is going to be so much fun - I’d love to see you there!