Review 2022 and Prepare for 2023

Review of 2022

A personal review of the previous year is a great way to reflect on the highs and lows of the past 12 months and use it to plan for the future.

It is beneficial to look back at the year and identify successes and achievements that we can be proud of.

This can help to encourage us to strive for more in the upcoming year. It is also important to think about any lessons that we have learnt, and how we can apply them going forward.

We can identify areas we would like to improve on and can set realistic goals for 2023. A template to review your year is available in a pdf that can be downloaded from this website.


Establishing what these are is important because it means we are living intentionally, in the driving seat of our lives, rather than being dragged passively into our future.

Plans will change and develop as the year goes by. That's to be expected but set the direction now.

This 2023 plan is designed to make sure the goals and intentions you choose have meaning behind them.

It's important to be realistic. As many have said - we tend to overestimate what we can do in one year and underestimate what we can do in ten years.

You can always add more goals, but having too many and not reaching them can be demoralising.

Here is a pdf template you can download and use to establish your goals and priorities for 2023.

Have fun creating a year that excites you!


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