Welcome to Sarah’s Blog
Unexpected Benefits of the Unknown, Uncertain and Uncomfortable
On 27th July I began my quest to do 52 things to take me into the unknown, the uncertain and the uncomfortable - Gulps! as I’m calling them. Each one has had its own takeaways, but some themes are bubbling up and this quest has already brought greater value than I imagined.
The Power of Discomfort
The benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone extend far beyond the immediate challenge. When we continually stretch ourselves, we expand our horizons, learn new skills, and develop mental toughness and an adaptable mindset.
The Power of Being Bold
Whether in personal pursuits or professional endeavours, cultivating a bold mindset can lead to transformative outcomes and profound personal growth. Read more here on what it means to be bold, why it’s important and how to cultivate it.
Prepare for the Worst
Michael Phelps's 200m butterfly race at the Beijing Olympics shows how critical it is to prepare for the worst. There are four steps to set yourself up for success and be ready for worst-case.