Welcome to Sarah’s Blog
Why struggling is important
The butterfly emerging from its cocoon is the perfect metaphor for why struggling is important. It’s not necessarily going to be pretty, but we can learn to struggle well
We need to self-promote
It’s time to be loud and proud! We risk limiting our potential if we don’t. Here are ten ways women can learn to self-advocate.
Prepare for the Worst
Michael Phelps's 200m butterfly race at the Beijing Olympics shows how critical it is to prepare for the worst. There are four steps to set yourself up for success and be ready for worst-case.
'Follow Your Passion' is Bad Advice
Following your passion is bad advice. Here is what to do instead
An Adventure in Kyrgyzstan
To celebrate a milestone birthday I took myself off for an adventure in Kyrgyzstan. It was a great decision!
Dealing with High Pressure Situations
When it comes to dealing with high pressure situations, simply changing our perspective sets us up for success…